Did I tell ya’ll that I got myself a new camera… a Nikon D5100. Yes, finally a DSLR.
Well, I am just learning how to use the camera… by trial and error, of course. The books about photography can wait… 🙂
I started taking some shots with stuff lying around my house… and thought I need to do something that would satisfy my yearning for the desert… I miss Kuwait.
Here is a link to the post… and below is a sneak preview…
Adventures of a Gilded Camel
The second set of pics I took is a dreamscape… of fairytales and princesses…
The post is here and the sneak-preview follows…
The Princess Diaries
And here is an exclusive. something I haven’t posted on my other blog… yet! 😀
Little Teddy is in love… Again!
© Surya Murali